Reliable Payment Terminals and Fast Customer Service: The Story of Institut Calleis

At Axepta BNP Paribas, customer satisfaction is our top priority. We are pleased to share the positive experience of Institut Calleis, a beauty salon that has been using our payment solutions for several years.

Institut Calleis, located near Verviers, is run by a dedicated entrepreneur who has been passionately serving her clients for eight years. Two years ago, she decided to acquire a payment terminal from Axepta BNP Paribas when the legislation required businesses to offer electronic payments. Since then, she counts on the reliability of our payment terminals and the efficiency of our customer service.

Recently, she needed to make a small administrative adjustment. “I had changed my business bank account number, and it needed to be updated for accounting purposes”, she explains. She contacted our customer service, and her issue was immediately resolved. “It was very simple and quick,” she says.

In addition to this quick service, she is also very satisfied with the performance of her payment terminal. “There was once a small technical issue, but it was always quickly resolved by your customer service,” she notes. This quick and effective support has ensured that she could continue working without interruptions.

The positive experience of Institut Calleis highlights the reliability and efficiency of Axepta BNP Paribas’ customer support and payment solutions. We thank Institut Calleis for their trust in us and look forward to continuing to support them with our solutions in the future.

Thank you, Institut Calleis, for sharing your story!