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“Excellent value for money, state-of-the-art devices and pay-out within 24 hours.” – Taxi company in Brussels

“As for many industries, working as a taxi driver requires strong time management. Our customers’ journeys and the payment process share the same imperatives: it must be fast and smooth. Axepta BNP Paribas is our trusted partner for electronic payments: excellent value for money, state-of-the-art devices and pay-out within 24 hours. What more could you […]

“We’ve been using our payment terminals for several years.” – Newspaper Shop Owner in Tournai

“We have been using our payment terminals for several years. The team is very helpful and the devices are easy to use. We called the support service once to replace a battery. It was delivered the next day. Every evening I print out the transaction overview provided by Axepta BNP Paribas. It’s clear, easy and […]

More sales during the Christmas season: Axepta’s tips

The cosiest time of the year has begun. Streets are full of lights, Christmas trees are decorated and people still need to get their presents. They no longer buy exclusively in shops, but also online. How do you attract more customers for your (online) business? You can find our 3 tips to expand your sales during the end of the year.